Provide well-regulated Brajda Sports Park, a pleasant climate, use of gyms with parquet floors, comfortable environment. The favorable climate, Brajda sports park, athletic track, basketball courts with three, with two football courses designed with tennis courts and a fitness gym, a running path arranged in nature, allowing the preparation of athletes, footballers, basketball, handball, etc.., Jumping from bridges in Soca and Idrijca and a plastic ramp, recreational runs, hikes, mountain marathon four municipalities, etc.. omogočajo dobro urejen Športni park Brajda, ugodna klima, možnost uporabe telovadnic s parketom, prijetno okolje. Ugodno podnebje, športni park Brajda z atletsko stezo, s tremi košarkarskimi igrišči, z dvema nogometnima igriščema, s teniškim igriščem ter športna dvorana s fitnesom, urejene tekalne poti v naravi, omogočajo priprave atletom, nogometašem, košarkarjem, rokometašem ipd., skoke z mostov v Sočo in Idrijco in na plastični skakalnici, rekreativne teke, pohode, gorski maraton štirih občin ipd.
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